Soul Purpose Alignment
On Sale
- Are you ready to embrace a life full of purpose and creativity? It’s time to release the limiting patterns and belief systems that may be holding you back and let your Soul be your guide.
- Helps you to create directly from your Soul and let go of the limiting beliefs and experiences that block your creative process.
- Clear energetic blueprints and constructs that keep you from aligning with your Soul purpose.
- Align with your Soul Path by eliminating the blocks that separate you from Source and your divinity.
Very helpful for those times creative inspiration does not come so easily and you need to realign with your inner muse. Get the creative juices flowing again and create from Source.
Ca 15 min session with music
Plus a silent session ca 60 min you can play in the background while you are relaxing, reading, crafting.
Do not use when your full attention is required for your safety while driving.